Here is where we need your help!!
We will be using Sign Up Genius this year!!
Click the link below to sign up
Volunteers have an important and valuable role with the Jamesburg PTA. It does not matter if you volunteer for one hour or one hundred hours over the course of the school year; any help you give is essential in enhancing the education of our students.
Volunteers may work with the PTA on fundraisers or at events. Besides supporting the school, your volunteer efforts teach our children the joy and obligation that we all should give some of our precious time to worthwhile causes. We hope you find your volunteer experience to be a rewarding one.
To get the most from your volunteer experience, it is important to be informed. This handbook contains important information about your work with the Jamesburg PTA, please take some time to read through it. If you still have any questions about volunteering, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator (listed on the contacts page at Appendix A).
Interests and Talents
Volunteers are generally matched to appropriate opportunities through the Volunteer Coordinator. Each potential volunteer is requested to complete a volunteer form (see Appendix B) to communicate their interests and talents so they can best be matched with available opportunities.
The Jamesburg PTA provides various education enrichment opportunities for our students, such as assemblies, after school events, and the bookfair. Funding of these programs comes from various PTA fundraising activities and events. Numerous opportunities exist for volunteering with the PTA, and all volunteers are encouraged to attend PTA meetings, which are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month.
How to Be a Successful Volunteer
No matter what kind of volunteer work you do, or who you do it for, there are some common qualities that will help you be a successful volunteer with the Jamesburg PTA.
Have an interest in our students
Believe that each child can learn and succeed.
Accept children of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and personalities
Encourage children to do their best and offer genuine praise.
Be friendly--learn students’ names and be a good listener.
Support the staff by
Be respectful of the teacher.
Do not publicly question or criticize the teacher or methods used.
Ensure that your interpretation of rules and expectations matches that of the school.
Involve appropriate school personnel when students disobey school or classroom rules; don’t take corrective measures into your own hands.
Be committed and dependable
Make sure you have the time to serve.
Be prompt and reliable; people are counting on you to be there!
Set an example of professionalism and good citizenship.
Let people know if schedule changes prevent you from making your commitment.
Maintain confidentiality
Ensure that children’s work and behavior are held in confidence.
Ask if you are unsure about how equipment works or how your job is supposed to get done—there are no dumb questions!
Don’t let small problems turn into big ones.
Decline any task for which you are unqualified or uncomfortable.
Provide feedback to the appropriate person about volunteer experience.
Ways to Volunteer with the Jamesburg PTA
Some examples of ways you may be able to help the Jamesburg PTA include:
Arranging bulletin board displays
Helping students shop at the bookfair/holiday shop
Help counting money and pretzel orders
Organizing dances
Helping oversee student volunteers at monthly meetings
Recruiting other volunteers for activities
Creating flyers
Making decorations
Chalk the walk at both schools
Assist at field day with activities
Signing in and out
All volunteers should enter through the front doors and proceed directly to the main office. For the safety of our children, all volunteers must sign-in at the school office upon arrival. Volunteer badges are available for you to wear so that you can be properly identified in the school.
By signing in, you are making it possible for school personnel to locate you in the event of an emergency. It is important that you write your name legibly, as well as the reason you are in the building.
It is also important to remember to sign-out when you leave.
Social Media Policy
Members of this PTA shall not use their own personal social media platforms to cyberbully, insult, embarrass, target, or post threats of physical or verbal abuse towards any individuals, including school board officials, school administrators, teachers, PTA members, volunteers, or other individuals that are associated with Jamesburg Public Schools or the Jamesburg PTA
Code of Conduct
PTA Volunteers shall not in the performance of their duties, by words or conduct, demonstrate prejudice or bias based on race, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation, and will not allow members of their committee or those under their influence to do so.
Other miscellaneous items
Staff restrooms are available for use by adult volunteers.
If you are unable to come at your scheduled time or if you will be late, please call the PTA Volunteer Coordinator. Remember that someone is counting on you.
Turn off cell phone ringers when at events. If you sign in properly, the office staff can locate you in the event of an emergency.
Only emergency phone calls should be made. Personal phone calls while volunteering is discouraged. If you need to make/take a call, please excuse yourself from the immediate area where students are located.
No wandering around the school. You must remain in the designated area and use designated restrooms while you are in the school.
No taking pictures of students (even your own child) during the PTA events. Some children are not permitted to have their photo taken. Any photos needed to be taken will be done so by a Jamesburg PTA Executive Board Member.
You must be a Jamesburg PTA member in order to volunteer at any event.
All schools are drug and alcohol free. No person can consume, bring or be under the influence at a school event. If it is suspected that a volunteer is, they will be asked to leave immediately and will not be permitted to volunteer for the remainder of the school year.