
Open Positions

The Jamesburg PTA is looking to immediately fill the following position:

For information regarding duties of the role, qualifications needed for the position, or to submit your letter of intent, contact Lisa Wilson at

June PTA General Meeting.pptx

June Meeting Slides

Missed our live meeting? Everything is here in the slides presented at the meeting. Click through and view information such as our "Thank You" to our community members who helped make our Spring events a success. Also included, is information to access the Trend Micro Family Tech Talk. 


Internet Safety Pt. 2 - January Meeting

This PDF of Google's internet safety program will teach you and your family the ins and outs of digital safety and citizenship. Through games  and activities on Interland and family discussion, students and their parents will learn how to navigate the Internet safely. 

Internet Safety Nov 17.pdf

Internet Safety Pt.1 - November Meeting

View the slides from our presentation on Internet Safety. This is the first in a series of presentations aimed at keeping our children safe online.

Proud to be Voted a National PTA School of Excellence for 2019-2020!